WATER COOLING TOWERS Maintenance for 2 times a year
Minus 5 degrees Celsius. It’s the quota for the cooling towers.
Cooling system machines depend upon the cooling tower ability.
Brush the water tray.
Wash the water cooling cores by the high pressured water
After washing the water cooling cores.
Inside of the cooling tower. Wash the cooling water Pan. [Clean inside of the cooling tower. I Fan belt maintenance.
Use deck brush and after that use the high-pressured water.
Wash the cooling water Pan. Use the high-pressured water.
Took off the cooling water strainer.
You can see the scales, that slimes and the dusts.
You can see the scales, the slimes and the dusts on the strainer.
Wash by the high-pressured water.
After washing.
Clean inside of the cooling tower.
Fan belt maintenance.
Fan belt aging damage check. Belt tension adjustment.